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The Reynolds Law Firm, L.L.C. in Kansas City

Below are details for The Reynolds Law Firm, L.L.C., an attorney offering their services around Kansas City

Name :

The Reynolds Law Firm, L.L.C.

Address :

4700 Belleview Ave., Suite 404

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Offering :

Accident Attorneys, Attorneys, Civil Law Attorneys, Family Law & Divorce Attorneys, Medical Malpractice Attorneys, Negligence & Malpractice Lawyer, Personal Injury Attorneys, Trial Attorneys

Description :

At The Reynolds Law Firm, L.L.C. we believe that relationships are the cornerstone of our business. The majority of our business is derived from returning clients, client referrals and attorney referrals. We take great pride in the trust and confidence that these individuals display in our services by taking the time and effort to make the referral of a friend, family member, co-worker, etc.

The Reynolds Law Firm primarily focuses on representing clients in civil litigation matters and family law matters. Approximately 60% of the firm's practice involves representing clients in family law matters (i.e. divorce, child custody, maintenance, child support, adoption, paternity and etc). We have represented hundreds of individuals in family law related case over the years. These cases have ranged from collaborative family law matters to the trial of complex multi-million dollar divorce cases. Additionally, we have handled a number of complex jurisdictional child support and child custody cases.

The Reynolds Law Firm also has extensive experience representing individuals and businesses in civil litigation matters. Approximately 40% of the firm's practice involves representing clients in civil litigation matters (i.e. personal injury cases, wrongful death, professional negligence cases, breach of contract litigation, real estate litigation, etc.). This work has ranged from defending a multi-million dollar business tort claim to the prosecution of a wrongful death claim against a commercial motor carrier (semi-truck accident).